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Virtualization has become increasingly popular as an alternative solution to a traditional “one server, one application” environment.

Virtualized environments reduce the amount of physical servers your business requires. A virtualized system allows one physical machine to serve multiple purposes at the same time. A major downfall of traditional business computing is that for the majority of the time, the capacity of each computer or server is rarely utilized. Despite this, IT managers were required to purchase multiple machines – one to serve each purpose. A virtualized infrastructure negates this issue by providing far greater flexibility and higher availability from a model with fewer things to go wrong.

High Availability

An entire virtual server can be restarted, restored and updated within minutes. These commands can be executed both locally and remotely. This ensures a significant reduction in downtime, and an extra layer of defence for your entire IT infrastructure.

Disaster Recovery

Should you be unable to operate from your site, the virtual infrastructure can be made fully accessible from elsewhere. Backups of the virtual images will mean that your systems will be available within hours, allowing your business to remain functional.

Technology Testing

For IT managers requiring testing environments, you can easily have server templates that can safely run your tests lab on the same physical hardware as your live environments. This functionality can also be useful when migrating users onto a new platform or package.

Easy Upgrades

An entire virtual server can be restarted, restored and updated within minutes. These commands can be executed both locally and remotely. This ensures a significant reduction in downtime, and an extra layer of defence for your entire IT infrastructure.


You can run as many virtual servers as your capacity allows. The system is scalable, with virtual machines being very modular and easy to move. If you need to expand your capacity, then this can be achieved by simply adding another virtual machine.

Lower Cost Of Ownership

As virtualization requires less physical hardware, management and maintenance than the traditional approach, the total costs of system ownership are typically dramatically reduced.

Virtualization also results in a far lower exposure to hardware failures (keeping ongoing costs low) and future expansion is significantly more cost-effective.

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